With the average Youtuber making between $3 and $5 per 1,000 video views through Adsense, it has rapidly become one of the most lucrative social media platforms on the internet. Today, any one with a mobile camera device and a stable internet connection can start laying a solid foundation for a profitable YouTube channel.
According to Hootsuite, big creators can cash out upwards of up to $200,000 per month from AdSense alone and make between $3 – $5 per 1,000 views.
Today Youtube has more than 114 million active YouTube channels, with over 10,000 partners using Content ID – which includes broadcasters, movie studios, record labels and more.
The platform boasts over 2.6 billion monthly active users, in over 100 countries – representing the strength of the channel to gain global reach and viewership it attracts more than 30 billion views daily – having grown quickly since its introduction in 2020.
Although the channel is present in several countries, there are some countries that have banned its use. These countries include: China, North Korea, Iran, Eritrea and Turkmenistan.
Based on statistics and industry averages, a minimum of 500,000 views are needed to earn $1000 from ads. The cost per thousand (CPM) works out to be $2 per 1,000 impressions.
Youtube Removes Monetisation Status Tool
On 18 November, YouTube content creators and developers noticed that the monetization status of channels were no longer visible as they were before – as confirmed in a Reddit thread on the same day. The change was made in accordance with a shift in YouTube’s policy.
Before this change was made the monetisation status of a channel could be easily determined by inspecting a channel’s HTML code or using other monetization checking tools. The monetization indicator is a feature that was available since December 2021, and provides developers and creators with transparency regarding the channels that were part of YouTube’s Partner Program.
Reasons Why YouTube Removed the Tool
Possible reasons why the social media platform could have made this change range from enhancing creator privacy, safeguarding copyright, concealing content monetization for channels that produced controversial content and other ethical considerations.
Challenges Arising from Removal of the Tool
Challenges arising from this policy change persist, and sets limitations on the availability of key information that helps creators and developers improve and monetize their channels. Total watch time – a key metric for qualification in the YouTube Partner Program, is no longer publicly available.
Solutions and Alternatives
This creates uncertainy for creators and analysts who have used the status as a metric to evaluate the profitability of content. However, there are new ways to determine the monetisation status, despite the remove of he tool from the channel. There is a Youtube Monetization Checker, that is still actively working and shows the monetization status of channels and videos online. 200 words
Although YouTube did make the changes to its policy, alternative solutions have already surfaced. Policy changes continue to evolve with time and its important to stay abreast of the latest updates. YouTube’s creator blog provides all the latest updates on any changes made to the platform that can help keep you informed.