Vodacom South Africa (VSA) has teamed up with the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) in a crucial partnership aimed at maintaining operational traffic signals during load shedding.
This strategic collaboration, facilitated through a Service Level Agreement (SLA), focuses on utilizing electricity from Vodacom’s adjacent buildings to power traffic lights, ensuring smooth traffic flow at major intersections.
The initial phase of this partnership will see Vodacom providing backup power to traffic lights at specific intersections near its campus in Midrand, including 13th Road and Vodacom Boulevard (entrance and exit), and Lever Road.
Enhancing Efficiency and Safety
According to Sitho Mdlalose, CEO of Vodacom South Africa, this partnership emphasises the importance of business and government working together to tackle societal challenges. “Motorists in the area can spend extended periods of time stuck in traffic because of non-functioning traffic lights in the area. And when people are running late, this hinders their productivity, which, in turn negatively affects our economy,” says Mdlalose.
Additionally, JRA Acting CEO Zweli Nyathi, explained how non-functioning traffic lights can cause a rise in criminal activity, and increase accidents and how keeping traffic lights on is vital; “Through this partnership we hope to drive efficiency on our roads and ensure the safety of our community.”
Adding, “JRA is delighted with the formalisation of this partnership with Vodacom which will help ease loadshedding traffic congestion along surrounding routes and bring relief to road users of between 2000 and 3000 vehicles travelling in both directions on Lever Road during morning and afternoon peak hours.”
Technical Details and Future Prospects
Technically the partnership involves a JRA redesign of the signal wiring at the intersections in question. This will ensure that electricity from the Vodacom campus kicks in during loadshedding.
In addition, the JRA will handle all the infrastructure works outside of the Vodacom campus boundaries, while Vodacom will manage any necessary infrastructure changes within the campus boundaries.
Mdlalose also added that discussions are being had with Eskom in resolving the issue stating; “We are also engaged in discussion with Eskom to explore how we can on-board more IPPs on the grid through a virtual wheeling platform.”
Positive Impact on the Economy and Productivity
Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Transport, Councillor Kenny Kunene, praises the formalization of the SLA between JRA and Vodacom South Africa. Kunene highlights the growing interest from diverse entities to join the Traffic Signal Backup Power Initiative, citing its positive impact on the local economy.
The partnership with Vodacom, along with ongoing agreements, is anticipated to alleviate traffic congestion, leading to more productive time spent in workplaces, schools, and other essential activities.
By establishing this partnership, Vodacom and JRA are taking significant strides to ensure reliable traffic signals during load shedding, contributing to safer and more efficient roads for the community.