How can you ensure your article is ready to be fast-tracked?
First, we appreciate your patience as we transition Better Programming to a new editing team. BP authors are our greatest asset, and we hope to continue to do right by you.
Second, this transition is also an opportunity to clarify and simplify the process. I created this simple checklist you can go through before submitting. Following it will give your article a better chance of being accepted. (Thanks to Lidia Chmel, incoming editor of Better Humans, for the idea!)
Finally, this checklist is just a start. Please share your feedback by emailing me at and/or joining our first BP Office Hours on Friday, October 27th, 11am-12pm Eastern (email me to RSVP and receive the Zoom link).
BP Checklist
- Single code words, like MyClass within plain text, are formatted as code.
- The title and all H1 (big T) headings are in title case. We use this tool.
- The subtitle and H2 (little T) headings are in sentence case.
- All your images are credited.
- Your article passes a basic spelling/grammar check using automated tools. We use Grammarly Premium (AP style), but even Google Docs can go a long way toward correcting basic errors.
- Quoted text and bold/italics are not overused. Quotes should only be used for actual quotes, either by someone else or highlights from the actual article.
- (To Be Continued)
Editor’s Checklist For BP Authors was originally published in Better Programming on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.