SHOWNOTES: Hi. And welcome to Hashtag Trending – the weekend edition. I’m your host Jim Love.
My guest for this week and I probably have met professionally, but I don’t think I really got to know him until we got on a call – arranged by our associate producer who sets this stuff up. I knew his company but I didn’t know who the person was meeting.
No, I try not to do too much “inside baseball” on this podcast, but I’ll let you in on my secret. I have to find a way to, tactfully screen guests. I want you – the audience – to meet people who are interesting, informative and who you want to spend time with.
So these interviews go one of two ways. They can be be an assessment to see if the guest is going to have someone to say or not.
And then there’s my worst nightmare. Not that the guest isn’t interesting, but that he or she is so fascinating that you can’t stop talking with them. And you wonder if you can recreate that spark from the original conversation.
Well, I’m going to take that chance, because my guest this week is one of those people who is so engaging, we just started to talk…
And I always say that I do my best job as a host when I meet fascinating people and let them talk.
My guest today is one of those people.
Dan Kagan is the Country Manager at Okta. Okta is an identity management company. For those who don’t know what that is, I’ll let Dan explain. But in world where identify, privacy and security and foundational to everything we do.
And Dan is passionate about identity.
But he’s also, as you will find out – passionate about people and he’s passionate about Canada and making Okta Canada a leader.The post Dan Kagan, Country Manager at Okta – my guest on Hashtag Trending, Weekend Edition first appeared on IT World Canada.