How To Sign EIP-712 Structured Data With MetaMask
MetaMask is one of the most used crypto wallets, but it offers much more than that. With its help, we have the possibility to digitally sign data structures, which can be utilized in many different ways. One option is to use MetaMask for authenticating our users. In this case, we
Read moreChris’ Corner: Considering Code
I enjoyed Stefan Baumgartner’s 5 Inconvenient Truths about TypeScript. I like some philosophical hard-truths from someone who is clearly pretty close to the technology. It doesn’t “fix JavaScript”, it’s complicated, and ironically, it’s not truly type-safe. Every team is going to have to do their own math on whether they
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The opportunities for edge computing are huge—but so are the memory requirements.
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Learn how to maximize web app efficiency by harnessing prefetching, memoization, concurrent fetching, and lazy loading techniques. Continue reading Effective Strategies for Optimizing Performance on SitePoint.
Read moreA Guide to Using MSSQL with Node.js
By combining the versatility of Node.js with the robustness of SQL Server, you can harness the advantages of both technologies. Continue reading A Guide to Using MSSQL with Node.js on SitePoint.
Read moreAn Introduction to Working with SVGs in React
This introduction will walk you through working with SVGs in React, discussing their benefits, and how to animate and manipulate them. Continue reading An Introduction to Working with SVGs in React on SitePoint.
Read moreEssentials about Suspense and Error Boundaries
We go through the main concepts of Suspense and ErrorBoundaries and highlight what they have in common and what the difference is.Continue reading on Better Programming »
Read moreHow To Spot a Short-Sighted Developer
A list of clues to identifying themHackerman — A popular Internet Meme (I really don’t know where it came from)Hi there, fellow coders! We’re all on a quest to level up our programming skills, right?So, how do we become coding wizards? Well, here’s what people generally do:Scouring through other people’s code — because we all know
Read moreMulti-Collection Updates and ACID Compliance Using Context and Transactions in MongoDB Using Go
Continue reading on Better Programming »
Read morePart 1: Displaying Images in Jupyter Notebook
Presenting images in Jupyter Notebook cellsPhoto by the authorThere are times when data science practitioners and their target audiences need to check images while working on code in Jupyter files. This article lays out various ways to present images in Jupyter Notebooks cells, as well as the tradeoffs between each method.ContentAdd Images to
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