The Million Dollar Matrix Multiply
The following post is by Wayne Joubert, the newest member of our consulting team. Wayne recently retired from his position as a Senior Computational Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Training large language models like GPT-4 costs many millions of dollars in server expenses. These costs are expected to trend
Read moreIs there an elliptic curve with 2024 points?
On New Years Day I posted about groups of order 2024. Are there elliptic curves of order 2024? The Hasse-Weil theorem relates the number of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field to the number of elements of the field. Namely, an elliptic curve E over a field
Read moreHarnessing the Power of Zenserp for Advanced Search Engine Parsing
null Learn about Zenserp, a powerful tool for developers looking to enhance their projects with real-time, accurate search data. Continue reading Harnessing the Power of Zenserp for Advanced Search Engine Parsing on SitePoint.
Read moreComputing inverse factorial
I needed the inverse factorial function for my previous post. I was sure I’d written a post on computing the inverse factorial, and intended to reuse the code from that earlier post. But when I searched I couldn’t find anything, so I’m posting the code here for my future reference
Read moreSquare root factorial
What factorial is closest to the factorial of 2024? A good guess would be 1012, based on the idea that √(n!) might be near (n/2)!. This isn’t correct—the actual answer is 1112—but it’s not wildly off. Could it be that (2n)! is asymptotically (n!)²? No, Gauss’ duplication formula shows that
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