I’ll be moving on from my role, but please welcome Mihai Banulescu, the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Better Programming.
Starting September 11, 2023, I’ll be stepping away from my role as the editor of Better Programming, and Mihai Banulescu will be taking over the editorial and management duties of the publication.
Mihai is also the engineering manager at Coach.me, has a wealth of experience in this space, and has been working behind the scenes for quite some time to get familiar with the processes to ensure nothing changes from your perspective. You should hear more from him shortly and through private notes on your submissions from September 11th onwards.
Now, coming to the hard part. Nothing’s given me more joy than collaborating with each and every one of you to grow the Better Programming space together. However, when I assumed this role from Zack Shapiro in 2021, I had ample room to take on adventures. Yet, for many months, I’ve been pondering, “Am I putting my energy in the right direction?”, “Do I have more ideas to contribute to the publication’s growth?” Regrettably, I don’t. This, coupled with my desire to explore new things beyond publishing, led me to make the tough decision to step down from this role.
What’s next for me? I intend to fully immerse myself in software development once again and blog occasionally (fingers crossed!), although I’ll take an extended break first.
Before I sign off, I want to thank the entire team behind Better Programming for giving me the autonomy to lead this publication, Deon Ashleigh and all the editors for being amazing teammates, the readers who continue to engage with this space, and most importantly, each and every one of you writers who’ve submitted or published here. Your ideas matter, and your dedication and hard work have shaped the culture of this community — one that belongs to every one of you.
The core philosophy behind Better Programming has always been grounded in the belief that every individual has a distinct perspective worth sharing. And nothing fundamentally changes, as it continues to be a place to build connections, inspire each other, and grow in work and life.
My email is anupamchugh[at]gmail[dot]com, and you’re welcome to drop me a note on LinkedIn anytime. I would love to stay in touch.
Happy coding, reading, and writing,
Better Programming Has a New Editor was originally published in Better Programming on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.