Huawei introduces its latest flagship smartwatch, the HUAWEI WATCH GT 4, now available in two new premium versions. The Grey 46mm and Silver 41mm editions present a sophisticated upgrade, boasting bespoke designs and premium materials. While maintaining the geometric aesthetic of earlier versions, these new designs showcase refined craftsmanship, elevating the watch’s appeal.
Grey: HUAWEI WATCH GT 4 46mm
The Grey 46mm version exudes sleek, modern luxury and professional appeal. Featuring a Stainless-Steel case and strap, it’s designed to complement exquisite craftsmanship, blending the strap seamlessly into the case for a unified look. The watch’s construction undergoes precise manufacturing processes, ensuring durability and resistance to corrosion.
Silver: HUAWEI WATCH GT 4 41mm
The 41mm Silver version embodies elegance with its silver stainless steel body and a matching strap adorned with gold accents, reminiscent of a two-tone piano key. This version showcases intricate handcrafted gold-alloyed techniques, adding a touch of sophistication and superior craftsmanship.
Maintaining essential tech functionalities, both watches offer an exceptional battery life of up to 14 days for the 46mm and 7 days for the 41mm. They feature upgraded heart rate monitoring and workout tracking technology, along with popular fitness apps and compatibility with various devices.